Exploring the institutional pressures that affect international new ventures

Objective: This article aims to identify the link between institutional pressures and strategic responses of international new ventures (INVs).
Research Design & Methods: This article reviews and theoretically synthesises extensive literature from the institutional and international entrepreneurship theories. The discussion leads to the formulation of four research propositions.
Findings: The relationship between institutions and entrepreneurial firms’ activities remains lacking in relevant research. Thus, given the constraints of INVs, the suggested propositions assist in identifying the nature of the institutional pressures exerted on entrepreneurial firms. Through the breakdown of the institutional pressure determinants, three groups of pressures are discussed. The text suggests that coercive, normative, and mimetic pressures evoke more active strategic responses of INVs, as internationally oriented, entrepreneurial, technology-driven firms. The institutions and INVs strategic responses may have a bidirectional relationship. At the same time, legitimacy constraints to INVs may involve more than one scenario of how the INVs behave, which converts to a set of various responses to institutions, which lead to embedded relationships with institutions.
Implications & Recommendations: The formulated research propositions illuminate numerous practical implications, leading to future research agendas. Researchers studying international entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs will benefit from reflecting on the proposed framework’s dimensions and interactions. International new ventures need to legitimise themselves in various institutional environments. However, they can be active partners in forming their institutional context through progressive involvement. Another input is aimed at policymakers looking to shape the institutional environment.
Contribution & Value Added: The theoretical contribution of this article lies in its introduction of a set of research propositions that explain the relationship between the institutional pressures and strategic responses of INVs and set a future research directions. The value-added consists in exploring institutional pressures that lead to more active responses of INVs because of entrepreneurial firms’ specifics and emphasising the role of INVS in the building of institutions.
Institutional pressures, Strategic responses, International new ventures
Author Biography
Jurgita Butkeviciene
Jurgita Butkevičienė is a Ph.D. student at School of Economics and Business, Kaunas Technology University, Lithuania, and is a Director of international software development and digital marketing company. She earned a two Masters of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management (in 2000 and 2015 respectively) from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. Prior to current positions, Jurgita gathered over 15 years of experience in a senior management position in a governmental export promotion agency, where she has served to identify, develop, and implement export promotion strategies for the key industries in Lithuania. Her research focuses on institutional change and institutional entrepreneurship, digitalization and INV export strategies in a global context.
Jurgita Sekliuckiene
Professor of International Business and head of International Entrepreneurship research cluster at the Kaunas University of Technology. She received her PhD in Management and Business Administration from the Kaunas University of Technology. Her research interests are in the area of internationalisation, international entrepreneurship and innovation, networks, export strategies with a special interest in transition market INVs and multinationals. She is the author and co-author of conference contributions, over 40 peer-reviewed publications, and several books and monographs chapters in the field of international business, strategic management and emerging markets. She is a a board member of AIB-CEE, member of Academy of International Business (AIB), and European International Business Academy (EIBA).
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