Increasing customer equity through social media content and engagement

Objective: The objective of the article is to investigate the impact of social media content on engagement and customer equity. The moderating role of the customer relationship is also analyzed. The purpose of this research was to find out the types of content that can increase engagement and customer equity and what is the role of customer relationships in strengthening the influence of that content.
Research Design & Methods: The online survey responses were collected from 250 respondents in Indonesia who have shopping experiences due to exposure to social media. I used structural equation modelling (SEM AMOS) to examine the relationship between variables.
Findings: Social media content can affect increased customer engagement and equity on social media. Good content must also contain several elements of entertainment that make customers want to linger on social media. Customer relationships can also strengthen the influence of content on social media engagement.
Implications & Recommendations: Marketers can strengthen content on social media with good customer relationships, such as being fast and responsive in their feedback.
Contribution & Value Added: This study provides new insights into creating a social media content marketing model that can strengthen customer relationships.
content digital, relationship customer, engagemen, equity, social media
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