Employment risks under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and their impact on changes in economic behaviour

Objective: The article aims to study the risks of employment under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, their differences depending on the specifics of professional activity, and the assessment of the impact on the economic behaviour of the employed.
Research Design & Methods: The authors developed the classification of the employed according to the risks of the pandemic impact and considering the differences in labour functions. The research was conducted based on a sociological survey among the employed population aged 18+ with an interval of one year.
Findings: The authors’ classification was constructed according to the risks of the pandemic impact, considering the specifics of professional duties, and with the division of workers into three groups: (1) ‘frontline’ workers; (2) employees who must be personally present at workplaces, but with a limited circle of contacts; (3) employees whose employment allows remote work. Using this approach, we found changes in the economic behaviour of employees of different risk groups.
Implications & Recommendations: The obtained results can be used by public policymakers to improve human resources management depending on employment risks and behavioural changes of employees of different professional groups.
Contribution & Value Added: The new classification allows considering the specifics of employment according to the level of risks of economic interaction during the performance of professional duties. It makes it possible to better assess the behavioural guidelines of workers with different contact frequencies under the pandemic (including possible similar situations in the future).
employment, employment risks, pandemic, economic behaviour, digital skills, motivation