Crowdfunding in the museum context:Exploring alternative approaches to financial support

Objective: The objective of the article is to investigate the applicability of crowdfunding in the museum context, addressing the limited research available in this area. By focusing on museums in Poland, known for their cultural diversity, the objective was to examine how crowdfunding can provide financial support, enhance museum visibility, and foster community engagement.
Research Design & Methods: Using an exploratory qualitative approach, we analysed digital data from 28 Polish museum crowdfunding projects collected between May and July 2023. We examined structural choices, social communication strategies, and goal achievement using online promotional channels. This analysis followed predefined research questions and a theory-driven coding method with consensus coding by two researchers.
Findings: Our research highlights crowdfunding’s potential in addressing museums’ financial challenges, and offering tailored support, especially for smaller institutions. It also identifies cases of campaigns falling short of funding goals due to inadequate promotion and donor communication. Reward-based crowdfunding consistently outperforms donation-based models, strengthening audience connections and cultural heritage dissemination in the museum context.
Implications & Recommendations: This study underscores crowdfunding as a financial solution for museums, emphasizing the need for digital literacy and employee training. Variations in communication strategies among museums highlight the importance of strategic planning. Crowdfunding can enhance financial stability, audience connections, and societal impact when aligned with other financial measures, making it a viable strategy for museums.
Contribution & Value Added: This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on innovative fundraising, engagement, and museum management. It bridges the gap in research regarding crowdfunding in museums. The study’s value lies in its comprehensive understanding of how crowdfunding can be applied across various facets of museum operations, providing museums with valuable insights for financial support, audience engagement, and enhancing their societal impact.
crowdfunding, financing, museum, social media, digital
Author Biography
Magdalena Sawczuk
PhD, Assistant at the Institute of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Mangement and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
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