Cross-border e-shopping on e-commerce B2C multi-sided digital platforms: Antecedents and moderating role of country of location

Objective: The objective of the article is to investigate the impact of a foreign multi-sided digital platform’s (MSP) e-shopping quality (quality of information, payment security, consumer service), image, perceived legal protection of cross-border online purchases on beliefs and attitudes towards cross-border e-purchases on foreign MSPs, along with their influence on e-consumer intentions to purchase, and foreign MSP’s country of location as a moderator (EU and USA vs. China).
Research Design & Methods: We surveyed a representative sample of 810 Poles and analysed the gathered data with PLS-SEM.
Findings: Beliefs (with the critical role of trust) and foreign MSPs’ ease of use significantly impact e-purchases on foreign MSPs, which is determined by online shopping quality, the image of a foreign MSP, and perceived legal protection of e-purchases. There are differences between consumers purchasing via Western vs. Chinese MSPs regarding the influence of payment security on ease of use and influence on trust in a foreign MSP of the following antecedents: consumer service on a given MSP, its reputation, and perception of prices/costs.
Implications & Recommendations: This article offers valuable insights into e-consumer behaviour useful to MSPs’ managers.
Contribution & Value Added: This article develops literature on cross-border e-commerce, especially e-consumer behaviour on MSPs, by examining new factors relevant to online shopping on foreign MSPs and considering the moderating role of an MSP’s country of location.
antecedents of cross-border e-shopping, multi-sided digital platforms (MSPs), cross-border e-commerce (CBEC), purchase intentions
Author Biography
Marzanna K. Witek-Hajduk
Associate Professor at the Institute of International Management and Marketing, SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Deputy Dean of the SGH Doctoral School. Chair of the International Busi-ness Department. Her research interests include firm internationalisation, international brand-ing, retailer brands, digital marketing, and business models.
Correspondence to: Prof. Marzanna K. Witek-Hajduk, PhD, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodległości 162, 02-554 Warsaw, Poland, e-mail:
Anna Grudecka
PhD at the Department of International Business, SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Her research interests focus on consumer behavior, retailers` brands, international branding and firm internationalisation.
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