Antecedents of Accelerated Internationalisation of Polish and Czech Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Objective: The study goal was the investigation of relationships between accelerated internationalisation descriptors and antecedent firm- and entrepreneur-related factors in Polish and Czech SMEs.
Research Design & Methods: In order to compare Polish and Czech companies, the data collected in two independent studies were used. The study of 233 Polish companies was conducted with the use of CATI method in 2014; 108 Czech companies were surveyed in 2013/2014 with the use of CAWI method. In both samples half of the surveyed SME-exporters were conforming to the accelerated internationalisation criteria.
Findings: In both samples the “global vision” elements and company internationalisation scale and speed were interrelated. In the Polish companies this relationship was moderated by company size. There was the lack of strong positive relationships between innovativeness and internationalisation speed and scale in both samples.
Implications & Recommendations:The managerial mindset has a decisive role for accelerated internationalisation in both Czech and Polish SMEs. The innovativeness of offering is not indispensable for fast foreign expansion. Larger companies may expand abroad faster if they have internationally oriented managers.
Contribution & Value Added:This work addresses a research gap concerning idiosyncrasies of internationalisation antecedents in Polish and Czech enterprises. As the results show, there is no common internationalisation pattern for Polish and Czech SMEs.
internationalization antecedents, Born global model, two-country study, Czech Republic, Poland, SME
Supplementary File(s)
Figure 1. The conceptual model of study Figure 2. Study Results - Polish companies Figure 3. Study Results - Czech companiesAuthor Biography
Izabela Kowalik
Institute of International Management and Marketing, Associate professor
Lidia Danik
Institute of International Management and Marketing, Assistant Professor
Petr Král
Department of International Business, Assistant Professor
Hana Řezanková
Department of Statistics and Probability, Professor
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