In Quest of SME-Conducive Policy Formulation
Objective:The article focuses on the role of SMEs in the national, regional and global environment. The main objective of the article is to present the economic and social importance of SMEs in the context of policy formulation for their support and development.
Research Design & Methods: The article reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on SMEs and their role in business environment. Then the paper develops a set of questions and propositions to guide future research and policy.
Findings:The article describes a significant role of SMEs for job creation and economic dynamics. Over the economic considerations, relevance of SMEs is to be viewed also from a more broadly based socio – economic perspective; that is, SMEs being seen as a driving force of structural change on the one hand, and as stabilising factor for safeguarding a given economic setting with its institutional framework in the dynamics of change on the other.
Implications & Recommendations: The complexity and dynamics of market processes determine the diversification of SME policy. Identifying contemporary challenges faced by SMEs are ‘building stones’ for specific policy formulation in the future.
Contribution & Value Added:The study highlights the need to deepen the understanding of the current role of SMEs for the labour market and welfare. What is more, the SMEs policy should be articulated more offensively as a key component of the economic policy in general.
SMEs, policy formulation, environment
Author Biography
J. Hanns Pichler
em.o.Univ.-Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c. J. Hanns Pichler
Born in 1936, Austrian citizen, married (to Dr. Hannelore M. Pichler-Haslinger v.d. Linden, C.P.A.), 3 children
Graduated from University of Economics & Business Administration, Vienna: Master's (Dkfm.) 1958,
Doctorate 1960; and Univ. of Illinois, USA, M.Sc.
(Economics/Econometrics) 1963; further studies also in Germany, UK, Greece
1962-1963 Lecturer, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Illinois,
1965/67 "Habilitation" (Dr. habil.) in Economics, University of Economics & Business Administration, Vienna
1965-70 Economist/Senior Economist, World Bank, Washington D.C., with far ranging
experience in country economic, sector and project work in Latin America, the Caribbean,
Eastern Africa, South and South-East Asia
1970-73 Senior Economist/Resident Representative of the World Bank Group, with
particular responsibility for Pakistan (including former East Pakistan, later Bangladesh)
and adjacent regions; board member in this capacity also of industrial development
banks/finance companies in the area
1973-2004 Full Professor (Chair: "Political Economy and International Development"),
University of Economics & Business Administration, Vienna; Professor emeritus (since
Oct. 2004); 1975-97 Chairman, Faculty of Economics; 1996-2000 Vice-Dean of Studies
for International Programs; 1997-2001 University Faculty Chairman; 1999-2004 Head,
Department of Economics; 1975-94 Guest Professorship, University of Agro-Sciences,
Vienna; Member Examinations Committee: University of Agro-Sciences, Vienna (since
1983) and Faculty of Social & Economic Sciences, University Vienna (since 1992);
International Committee, MEDCAMPUS Engineering Management Postgraduate
Certificate Program, Ankara; Overseas Supervisor, China Scholarship Council
Senior Schumpeter Fellow, Center for European Studies/Harvard University
Professional Memberships: Rencontres de St-Gall (Switzerland); Austrian Economic
Association; Gesellschaft für Ganzheitsforschung, Vienna; Legatus Austriae,
Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea (Dean, Class V, 1995-2001); Club of
Rome (Austrian Chapter); European Council for Small Business (ECSB, Past Vice-
President); Past-President, International Council for Small Business (ICSB); Austrian
Society of Business History; Association of Austrian University Professors
Editor/Editorial Boards: “Zeitschrift fuer Ganzheitsforschung“ (Vienna); "ZfKE. Zeitschrift
fuer KMU und Entrepreneurship" (Berlin-Munich-St.Gallen); “Journal of Small
Business & Entrepreneurship" (Ottawa); “Population Manager-ICOMP Review" (Kuala
Lumpur); “WASME Newsletter“ (New Delhi, til 2005); „Journal of Small Business
Management“ (U.S.); Newsletter, SME Research Austria; Piccola Impresa/Small
Business. Rivista internazionale di studi e ricerche (Urbino/Italy); Scientific Council,
Review of International Comparative Management (Bucharest)
President/Chairman: Austrian Institute for SME Research; Gesellschaft fuer
Ganzheitsforschung, Vienna
Vice-Chairman, Austrian Foundation for Development (OeFSE, til 2007); Vice-President,
European Institute for Standards on Investment Studies (EUSIS)
Board Member: Austrian Latin America-Institute (LAI); Schumpeter Association Vienna;
Oeko-Forum Austria; International Council for Small Business; Institute of Business
Ethics and Entrepreneurial Culture, Vienna; Association of Friends of the Vienna
Advisory Boards: Ernst & Young, Vienna; Research Association on Mesolevel Economic
Issues, Munich; The American Biographical Institute (abi); Negeve Institute for
Strategies of Peace and Development/International Center for the Promotion of Small
and Mediumsize Enterprises (NISPED/InCeP-SME), Israel; Institute for Cooperation in
Development Projects (ICEP), Vienna; IDEA-International Development Enterprise
Associates, Washington, D.C.
European Representative, ICOMP-International Council on Management of Population
Programs (UN-NGO, Kuala Lumpur); Arbitrator, I.C.S.I.D. (World Bank); Consultant
World Bank Group, UNIDO
Doctoral Honors Prize, Austrian Chamber of Labour (1960); Cardinal Innitzer Science
Award (1966); University of Economics Honors Prize (1982); Austrian Cross of Honour
for Science & Art, First Class (1988); Leopold Kunschak-Award (1990); Honorary
Doctorate in Economics, Cath. Univ. Brussels (1994); „Festschrift“ on occasion of 60th
birthday (Berlin 1996); Grand Silver Decoration of Honour to the Republic of Austria
(2001); Wilford White Fellow, ICSB (2003); Gold Medal of Merit, Austrian Red Cross
(2004); Knight, Old Order of St. George/Order of the Four Roman Emperors (2006)
Languages: German (native), English, Spanish; some Russian, Urdu
Listings: Who is Who in Austria; Who's Who in the World; International Directory of
Distinguished Leadership; Who’s Who in Finance & Industry; Five Thousand Personalities
of the World; Kuerschners Deutscher Gelehrtenkalender; Who is Who, University of
Economics and Business Administration, Vienna; Millennium Hall of Fame (abi); Dictionary of International Biography and others
Books and numerous articles, especially on international economic issues, international finance, indebtedness, development and development strategies; on business leadership,
entrepreneurial values and attitudes, small and medium scale industrial structures
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