Construction Sector in the Czech Republic and Poland: Focus on the Housing Segment in Selected Regions

The paper presents a comparative analysis of the construction sector in the Czech Republic and Poland, with a particular focus on the housing segment in selected regions. The authors compared the size and growth ofthe housing segment.
To achieve the purpose, spatial and dynamic analyses of the construction sector indicators were conducted, with a particular emphasis on the housing segment (i.e. growth of construction sectorproduction, completed dwellings per 1000 inhabitants).
In global economic crisis, the construction production fluctuation displayed a similar trend for both countries, with the worst indicators reported in 2010 and 2011. The main analysis focused on the dwelling segment. The Czech Republic reported a negative growth (-2.4%) in the number of completed dwellings in the period, while Poland reported a positive growth of 32.6%.
Analysed countries differ regarding the construction industry output, which depends on the different population potential and uneven distribution of construction projects, particularly in the housing segment. Nonetheless, a common tendency was observed in the housing segment showing an intensified growth in the output in the areas that had seen fewer investment projects.
Comparison of the construction sector status and development in selected regions of the Czech Republic and Poland can be helpful to entrepreneurs, investors and employees from both countries in recognizing a potential demand for dwellings
construction sector, housing segment, Czech Republic, Poland
Author Biography
Monika Płaziak
PhD degree in economic geography, assistant professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management, Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Cracow. Author’s research interests concern issues of the spatial development in the context of the sustainable development – social balanced towns and energy-efficient towns, and also process of industrial and construction enterprises locations. As well as, research works refer to issues of the cooperation of scientific and research-developmental organizations with the SME sector, especially in the matter of the implementing new technologies and materials concerning the energy-efficient and passive building. Additionally, the author analyses issues of the level and quality of life, with particular reference to small and medium-sized towns in Poland.
Anna Irena Szymańska
PhD degree in economic sciences in the field of management sciences (Chair of Market Analysis and Marketing Research – Cracow University of Economics), assistant professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management, Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Cracow. Her research interests are related to the issue of consumer needs, preferences and market behaviour as well as issues in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation with particular emphasis on the SME sector.
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