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New Imperative of Corporate Value Creation in Face of the Challenges of Sustainable Development


Objective: The aim of the article is to present and exemplify the mechanisms of changes in defining and influencing the new imperative of corporate value creation. It is implied by the impact of the sustainable development concept.

Research Design & Methods: The research focused on the concept of corporate value creation in the context of the challenges connected to sustainable development. In the article, both inductive and deductive ways of reasoning were adopted, which makes it possible to combine the results of the detailed research.

Findings: The publication indicates the emerging need for a change in the manner of perceiving and thinking about values – ‘from grasping value for today – towards the value of the future.’ This is related to the need to formulate the new imperative of corporate value creation.

Implications & Recommendations: The reasonable profit concept can also be the basis for the formulation of the postulate of ‘reasonable speed of corporate value creation.’ Therefore, there is a need to redefine the existing imperative of corporate value creation and implement a new imperative based on the idea of the responsibility for the existence and long-term development of the enterprise.

Contribution & Value Added: The result is the disclosure of the emergence of a hybrid concept of sustainable value-based management. The added value of this article is the proposal to create a new imperative of corporate value creation based on the foundation of the restitution of the idea of responsibility.


theory of development, sustainable development, corporate value creation, value-based management, sustainable value-based management


Author Biography

Andrzej Jaki

Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises in Cracow Univeristy of Economics, prof. UEK dr hab.

Barbara Siuta-Tokarska

Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises Cracow Univeristy of Economics, prof. UEK dr hab.


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