Advancing the contextual factors impeding the development of aquapreneurship in Cameroon

Objective: The principal drive of this investigation was toward examining the contextual factors impeding the growth and development of aquapreneurship in Cameroon.
Research Design & Methods: A quantitative method approach incorporating a self-administered questionnaire was adopted. Through a snowball sampling technique, this study collected data from questionnaires of 150 aquapreneurs. Using SPSS, descriptive, Chi-square test and correlation test statistics were employed to analyse and test the independence between variables in the quantitative data.
Findings: Findings revealed that, fish farmers faced several challenges which included high cost of constructing, filling and managing ponds, high rate of fish predators, death of fishes due to diseases, lack of finance, lack of industries to manufacture quality fish feed, lack of space to expand their businesses and high cost of feed among others.
Implications & Recommendations: All-encompassing measures by the government regarding awareness through education, production of fingerlings at low cost to farmers, encouraging new entrant of fish feed manufacturing industries and credit policies to accommodate aquapreneurs and improve incorporation into the globalised economy are recommended.
Contribution & Value Added: This study is significant because it highlights the plight of aquapreneurs in a developing country such as Cameroon and bringing to the fore the challenges this sector encounter to develop the aquaculture industry.
Aquapreneurship, Cameroon, challenges, fingerlings, fish farming, ponds