Antecedents of students’ behavioural intention to use generative artificial intelligence: Quantitative research

Objective: The article aims to identify factors that influence students’ behavioural intentions to use generative artificial intelligence (GenAI).
Research Design & Methods: We proposed a research model based on the theory of planned behaviour, the technology acceptance model and a literature review.
Findings: The results show that attitude, perceived usefulness, perceived quality, and perceived support from higher education institutions positively impact students’ behavioural intention to use GenAI.
Implications & Recommendations: The findings allowed us to propose two practical implications for academic teachers and managers of higher education institutions. Firstly, we recommend supporting students in terms of their knowledge, skills and conscious use of GenAI. Comprehensive education and other forms of training may be of use here. Secondly, we recommend that educational establishments clearly define their expectations regarding students’ use of GenAI, particularly how and when they can safely use GenAI, not only during their studies.
Contribution & Value Added: Our study offers a new multilevel model of students’ behavioural intentions to use generative GenAI. It enables the synthesis of our research results and the organisation of variables influencing students’ behavioural intention to use GenAI, as well as the relations between them. Furthermore, as far as we are aware, we are the first to encompass aspects of the perceived quality and ethics of students using GenAI in our research.
generative artificial intelligence, GenAI, students, antecedents, intention, SEM model
Author Biography
Regina Lenart-Gansiniec
Full Professor at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Her scientific interests focus on strategic management, particularly in knowledge management, organizational learning and crowdsourcing. She utilizes both quantitative and qualitative research methods in her studies.
Barbara A. Sypniewska
Ph.D. in social sciences in management and quality science, and a master’s degree in psychology. Her scientific interests focus on human capital management and business psychology.
Jin Chen
Full Professor at the Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy of the Tsinghua University, China. He is also director of the Research Center for Technological Innovation, at Tsinghua University. His research interests include innovation.
Konrad Janowski
Associate Professor at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. His research interests include psychology.
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