The Concept of Technological Entrepreneurship: The Example of Business Implementation

Objective: The objective of this paper is to identify the role of factors influencing the development of technological entrepreneurship using as example a company with academic origin in the IT sector. The scientific purpose of the study is to compile the views of scholars on technological entrepreneurship.
Research Design & Methods: The first part of the study is of descriptive character and based on literature review, while the second part is empirical. The application of the empirical method of a case study has made it possible to characterize the essence of technological entrepreneurship and illustrate the development of the studied phenomenon in business practice.
Findings: The concept of technological entrepreneurship is based on increasing innovation, new assets and competitiveness through more efficient use of research results leading to development of products and services. The process of creating technological entrepreneurship is conditioned largely by endogenous factors of organizations and also by the business ecosystem.
Implications & Recommendations: It is necessary to further develop current theory of technological entrepreneurship through discussion on the methodological dilemmas associated with conducting research in this area.
Contribution & Value Added: The article is an attempted synthesis of the concept of technological entrepreneurship as a process that combines the elements of academic and intellectual entrepreneurship with the entrepreneurship of commercial organizations implementing new technologies and innovative business solutions in the market environment.
academic entrepreneurship, ICT solutions, technological entrepreneurship, technological innovation, technology start-up
Author Biography
Ewa Badzińska
Chair of Economic Sciences
Assistant Professor
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