Identifying the key factors of sustainable entrepreneurship in the Nigerian food industry: The role of media availability

Objective: The article’s objective is to identify how media could facilitate the effect of sustainable entrepreneurship on consumer purchase behaviour, based on evidence from the food industry in Nigeria.
Research Design & Methods: The research population was experts who have sufficient information, expertise, and experience in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship and marketing, and pay attention to online social platforms and consumer purchase behaviour. There population amounted to 33 interviewed experts. A combination of Delphi-ANP (Analytic Network Process) approaches was used. Results showed that customers’ satisfaction was the key dimension that affects sustainable entrepreneurship in the Nigerian food industry.
Findings: ‘Access to the internet’ had the highest rank (F15) (0.33741), which showed that it was the most important factor in developing sustainable entrepreneurship of food industry, regarding to media role in Nigeria. ‘production process and the environment’ (F1) (0.33461) ranked second and was close to the ‘price satisfaction’ (F17) (0.32049) in importance. In addition, managers should not ignore the ‘excellent functional quality of the brand,’ ‘personal attributes of customers’ care’ and ‘packaging quality,’ since these three factors were ranked fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively.
Implications & Recommendations: The entrepreneurs should focus more on this dimension to develop a sustainable food industry in Nigeria. Meanwhile, media availability had a significant role in developing sustainable entrepreneurship in Nigeria.
Contribution & Value Added: Most researchers focused on sustainable entrepreneurship without considering the impacts of media as a channel of achieving it by changing the consumers’ behaviours towards consuming a particular product. Therefore, this research -investigated how media could moderate the effect of sustainable entrepreneurship on consumer purchase behaviour, taking evidence from the food industry in Nigeria.
Sustainable entrepreneurship, Media availability, Delphi approach, Analytic network process, Food industry
Author Biography
Barnabas Nuhu Yakubu
Lecturer and PhD Candidate in MATE University (Hungary). Master of Science in Rural Development and Agribusiness from Szent Istvan University (Hungary). He is winner of Farewell Speech Contest. Tempus Public Foundation, Hungary (2017). His research interests are sustainable urban environment, housing and urban environment, migration gender disparity and rural environment, infrastructures and the cities.
Aidin Salamzadeh
Assistant professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Tehran. He has several publications in international journals and participated in several conferences in some countries. His main areas of interest are: social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial universities, and entrepreneurship policy making. He serves as the editor in chief of the Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics (Canada), and as a member of the editorial board in some journals such as JWE, and IE (Serbia), JEIM (Turkey), IJMP (Brazil), etc. He is also a member of the European SPES Forum, and the Asian Academy of Management
Parisa Bouzari
Researcher in managerial studies, especially supply chain management and Digital marketing. She is one of authors of book chapter with title of “The interaction between humans and media in the future of the banking industry” in the Book of “Contemporary Applications of the Actor Network Theory”. Palgrave McMillan (A part of Springer Nature) . She is expert in data collection and survey questionnaire as well. Meanwhile, she has papers related to women entrepreneurship and internal branding.
Pejman Ebrahimi
Lecturer and PhD Candidate in MATE University (Hungary), moreover he is educator and expert in statistical analysis ( Programming with Python/ Machine learning by jupyter / Data science / Statistical analysis with Amos Graphic / SPSS / SmartPLS 3/ Econometrics with Eviews and STATA / EQS / SAS / R / R Studio / Nvivo / Minitab / Meta analysis with CMA 2 and STATA/ DEA with MATLAB/ DEMATEL with MATLAB/ ANN with MATLAB/ IBM SPSS Modeler/ Future study with Cross Impact Analysis and MICMAC software/ ANN with super decision/ AHP with expert choice/ Grounded theory with Atlas ti) and microeconomics as his main areas of interest. His interests include green entrepreneurship, green innovation, SMEs performance, social media marketing, social networks marketing and financial performance.
Maria Fekete-Farkas
Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, MATE University (Hungary). She is supervisor and secretary of English language program for the Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE). Her research areas are sustainable development, Industry 4.0, new market structures and pricing, economics of natural resources, economic, social and environment aspects of climate change, land use and renewable energy. She is a member of the organizing committees of several international conferences, and serves certain international journals as a member of the editorial board, reviewer and author.
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