Determining the Underlying Dimensions of Quality of Work Life (QWL) in the Nigerian Hotel Industry

Objective: The objective of this paper is to explore the underlying dimensions of quality of work life (QWL) in the Nigerian hotel industry.
Research Design & Methods:With a defined population of 3.110, a sample size of 355 was determined using probability technique, which formed the participants of the study. Employing the Delphi technique, eight experts and four cycles of inputs led to a consensual number of sixty-three indicators of QWL which formed the final inventory or variables of the quality of work life dimensions used for exploratory factor analysis. Exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation was employed. Kaiser criterion, examination of the scree plot and Horn parallel analysis (Horn, 1965) guided factor extraction.
Findings:Preliminary assessment conducted confirmed the appropriateness of the dataset for factor analysis. Furthermore, based on the extraction criteria, five factors were extracted which explained 59.37% of the total variance in QWL in the Nigerian hotel industry, labelled as remuneration and benefits, job security and career satisfaction, training and opportunities for personal autonomy, home-work balance and safe and healthy environment.
Implications & Recommendations: The Nigerian hotel industry should focus on the QWL factors which the study reports as most considered by employees. The study has also identified the dimensions of QWL in the Nigerian hotel industry.
Contribution & Value Added:This study identifies the latent variables that show QWL in the Nigerian hotel industry, which are labelled as remuneration and benefits, job security and career satisfaction, training and personal autonomy, home-life balance and safe and healthy environment. The managerial implication is that owners and operators of hotels in Nigeria can benefit by understanding what quality of work life entails and which indicators show the concept.
quality of work life, latent variables of QWL, exploratory factor analysis, underlying dimensions of QWL, Nigerian hotel industry
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Akuraun Shadrach Iyortsuun
Department of Business Administration
Federal University, Wukari
Taraba State, Nigeria
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