The Choice of Foreign Market Entry Modes: The Role of Resources and Industrial Driving Forces

The objective of the paper is to analyse the effects of corporate resources, attitudes of owner/entrepreneur/manager to internationalisation and the characteristics of the business industry on the entry mode choice.
Based on factor and cluster analyses the authors highlight the latent structure lying behind different variables and find typical groups of companies matching the identified factors.
Providing physical resources and access to appropriate information is necessary, but not sufficient. The attitude of the owner/entrepreneur/manager to internationalisation should be improved as well so that they will be able to appear and operate successfully in international markets.
Giving the right place to subjective matters in promoting internationalisation may contribute to the increase in corporate participation in different support programs.
On the basis of the obtained findings, different ways of how support programs can promote the companies’ international activities and strengthen their commitments to achieving higher added values can be defined.
Internationalisation, resources for internationalisation, attitudes for internationalisation, industrial driving forces
Author Biography
Andrea S. Gubik
Associate professor of the Institute of Economic Theory at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Miskolc (Hungary).
Sándor Karajz
Associate professor and the head of the Institute of Economic Theory at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Miskolc (Hungary).
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