Author Guidelines
Before submiting your paper, please use our template:
- EBER Template (docx) - NEW FORM 2021
..:: Downlodable Files and Tools for Authors and Reviewers ::..
- Guidelines for Authors (pdf)
- EBER Template (docx).
- Copyright Transfer (docx or doc) - needed to be signed by Authors prior the publication
- Internal Review Form (pdf)
- External Review Form (pdf)
- Statistical Review Form (pdf)
- Author's Statement after the Reviews (docx or doc)
- Guidelines for Reviewers (useful for Authors) (pdf)
..:: Guideliness in Brief ::..
The most important things to do in brief:
- The articles should be prepared in accordance with rules adopted by the Editorial Board. The editors reserve the right to reject texts not meeting these rules.
- Please read EASE Guidelines for Authors of Scientific Articles to be Published in English (version of July 2014).
In Polish: Wskazówki EASE dla autorów artykułów naukowych publikowanych w języku angielskim (wersja z lipca 2014)
- During the submission process you must provide us with your ORCID number! Otherwise we will not proceed your submission.
- Provide us with the Subject classification - EconLit Subject Descriptors - JEL codes in the OJS.
- The article must follow the required structure (file).
Reference Style / Bibliography
APA is used. Please follow APA Manual 6th Edition as of 2009 (272 pages of very detailed rules) - the whole manual can be downloaded from
You may also read APA Quick Guide (a brief summary of 8 pages).
..:: Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement ::..
The author's statement including the copyright notice as well as the statement on ethics and good practice in science (including financial disclosure, ghost-writing firewall, guest authorship firewall) must be submitted alongside the manuscript according to the form provided – see the attachment (see the attachment – author’s statement) as well as to be mentioned on the article title page (see the attachment – article template).
The detailed information on Ethics and Malpractice is available in the guidelines established by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland: “Scientific Research and Articles Solidity and Intellectual Rights Respect”
Extract from the “Scientific Research and Articles Solidity and Intellectual Rights Respect” guidelines:
Articles must be original and cannot include borrowings from other works, which could result in liability of the publisher. Papers cannot infringe any third party rights.
Articles must reveal the contribution of all individual authors in the creation of publications (with their affiliations and contributions, such as information about who is the author of concepts, principles, methods, protocol, etc. used in the preparation of publications).
Article cannot display any signs of "ghost-writing," that is not to disclose the names of authors who have made a significant contribution to the publication of, or otherwise contributed to its creation.
Article cannot display any signs of "guest authorship" that is assigning a person who did not contribute to the creation of publications.
Article must include complete information concerning sources of funding, the contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities ("financial disclosure").
Editors and the Publisher will be documenting all forms of scientific misconduct and malpractice, particularly violations of ethics and violations in science. Any such cases will be reported to the employer of the author and to the relevant public and state institutions.
COPE | Committee on Publication Ethics
We follow Core Practices of COPE including Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelienss for Editors
Anti-Pliagarism Policy
EBER uses the Crossref Similarity Check anti-plagiarism system with the iThenticate tool for researchers and professional writers to check their original works for potential plagiarism. Please see more:
Authors' Statements
Prior publication, the author must submit to the editorial board the following statements and documentation: 1) Authoror's Statement and 2) Copyright Transfer
- ghostwriting firewall & guest authorship firewall
- contribution share (for co-authored papers only)
- financial disclosure (optional)
- paper file (for bibliometrics purpose)
..:: Length of the Article and APF (Article Processing Fee) ::..
Articles not exceeding 50 000 characters are published free of charge, otherwise the article processing fee (APC) will be applied.
Basic length of the article
The submissions sent to the publication should not exceed the recommended size in accordance with established rules:
Each submitted article can be up to 50 000 characters with spaces (i.e. including tables, figures, references, author’s box at the end of the article, etc.).
Each Table and each Figure must be recalculated to characters based on its space.
Article processing fees for too long articles
Kraków – March 5, 2018
The Decision of the Editorial Board concerning
Unfortunately we received too long articles and it made the publishing costs much higher. We are an open access journal with no articles submission fees (ASFs) nor article processing fees (APFs).
We remind that all submitted manuscripts should not exceed the recommended size in accordance with established rules up to 50 000 characters with spaces (i.e. including tables, figures, references, author’s box at the end of the article, etc.). Each Table and each Figure must be recalculated to characters based on its space.
Cracow University of Economics subsidises all articles in EBER, as we do not sale the copyrights to the databases, so we have no profits at all. The average real costs of the articles are high and they include linguistic copyediting (65% of total costs), proofreading, DTP (setting), printing, postal costs. Additionally we have fixed costs for maintaining the website and database, human resources costs. We are still trying not to charge any fees from the Authors, but we kindly ask you to respect the maximum length of the submitted articles.
Although no article submission or article processing fees are charged for preferred length of articles, nevertheless the fee for each additional up to 1800 characters (exceeding the first 50 000 characters) is 20 EUR + 23% VAT which is 24.60 EUR (or 105 PLN).
The fee for additional pages should be paid to after the acceptance of the article after issuing a pro-forma invoice:
in EUR:
PL 19 2490 0005 0000 4600 4637 5105
(with the annotation: EBER + your full name)
in PLN
09 2490 0005 0000 4530 8510 4422
(z adnotacją EBER + imię i nazwisko).
Bank details:
Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna
ul. Łopuszańska 38D
02-232 Warszawa
Name of the Recipient:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie /Cracow University of Economics/
Address of the Recipient:
ul. Rakowicka 27
31-510 Kraków
on behalf of the Editorial Board
/-/ Editor-in-Chief
..:: Peer Review Process ::..
1. The editor-in-chief provides a final opinion based on a very detailed process.
2. The editor-in-chief or another member of the editorial council will make a preliminary decision to either accept the paper for further review or reject the paper. The author will be notified of the decision as soon as possible. In certain situations, this decision will be made following consultation with a member of the editorial council specializing in a given area of research.
3. The reviews are prepared by at least 2 independent reviewers indicated by the editorial board. The independent reviewers are not associated with the author's parent institution (EXTERNAL PEER REVIEW PROCESS IS PROVIDED). Reviews are prepared using a double-blind peer review. This process is based on the rule that the author does not know the identity of the reviewer and vice versa. Each review is issued in written form and ends with an unambiguous recommendation:
- Accept submission
- Revisions required - minor changes
- Revisions required - major changes
- Resubmit for review - resubmission
- Decline submission - paper rejected
4. In addition to the recommendations made by reviewers, the author may receive additional suggestions from:
- the editor-in-chief, only in urgent cases,
- an associate editor / a guest editor appointed by the editor-in-chief, if there is a special need,
- a layout editor for technical and editorial comments,
- a statistics editor if the paper contains statistics.
5. The author must reply to all comments and suggestions (a special form is required to be filled in and to be sent back).
6. Before publishing each paper is proofread by a language editor (a native speaker / a bi-lingual speaker).
The evaluation criteria of the paper are as follows:
OBJECTIVE: Is the objective of the article proper? Is it met? Are the purpose and rationale for the article clearly stated?
NOVELTY: Is the research problem original and a kind of novelty or is it just the compilation of other studies? Does the article bring something new? Does the paper make a (significant) contribution to the research theme? Did the Author explain in the introduction what is the originality and novelty of this article? If not, we cannot accept this article for publication.
WIDER RECOGNITION: We do NOT accept articles that are focused only on a small localisation (a town, a city or a region, which is beyond the scope of EBER and which are not supported by a good theory review).
COMPREHENSIVE PRIOR LITERATURE: Are there appropriate and adequate references to related and previous work? Does the paper include a good review of literature in the researched field? Is the literature review comprehensive, complex and logical? Are there main important authors included? Did the Author show the results of other researchers who have dealt with the same problem so far? Were the previous research results identified in the article? different options/perspectives from the literature covered in the reviewed article? Did the Author position himself/herself among the previous researchers?
HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT: Are the hypotheses "retrieved" from the prior empirical studies and prior literature? We suggest to put the hypothesis in the literature review section as the hypotheses should be developed and based on previous studies and the literature!
QUALITY OF LIETRATURE: Is only English-language literature used? Is the used literature mainly from Web of Science and Scopus? What about the use of recent studies inside the references these published for the last five years?
RESEARCH DESIGN: Please comment on the accuracy of the research procedure. Is the research design appropriate and the methods adequately described? Has the Author used the best methods available? Is the presentation of the research method accurate?
ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS: What research methods were used? Qualitative (in-depth interviews) or quantitative (correlations, regression)? Are they properly used? Is their application correct? Are they enough advanced for the scientific article? Please remember that EBER does NOT accept simple descriptive statistics only. Are the research hypotheses verified with appropriate statistical tests or econometric modelling?
DATA: Did the Author use reliable sources of data? Primary or secondary sources or data? Is the sample big enough? Is the sample representative? How was it selected?
EMPIRICAL RESULTS: Please comment on the description of the research analysis and findings. Is the reasoning sound? Has the Author given the appropriate interpretation of the data and references? Are the results discussed in details? Are the pieces of information used inside the paper comes from reliable sources (either written or various databases)? What is the likelihood of passing the "test of time"?
SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION: The process of developing the argument in a manner that is understandable, logical and concrete, demonstrating the significance of the research results by placing them in a comparative context. Are the findings in the article compared to the findings of other authors?
Is the language clear, concise and correct and does it use British English spelling? Maybe the article needs to be proofread by a native speaker and the Author should order such a service before its resubmission?
Formal aspects: Title, Content, Structure, Introduction, Conclusion and others.
Clarity of Content: Is the article well organized and comprehensively described?
Quality of Presentation: Are the results clearly presented and the conclusions supported by the results?
Evaluation of the statistical aspects of the article:
- Choice of statistical methods
- Proper application of statistical methods
- Correctness of the results of calculations
- Presentation of the results
- Validity of the conclusions
Evaluation of the technical aspects of the article:
- Tables - layout, correctness, quality
- Figures (including graphs, schemes, illustration, maps etc.) - layout, correctness, quality
- Sources for tables and figures [yes / no]
- Sources for statistical data and citations [yes / no]
- List of references / bibliography - according to the required style or not