Antecedents of students’ behavioural intention to use generative artificial intelligence: Quantitative research Regina Lenart, Barbara A. Sypniewska, Jin Chen, Konrad Janowski DOI: (PDF) Save
How does strategic orientation influence the business performance of small and medium-sized enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic? My Thi Tra Nguyen, Hung Trong Hoang, Tri Duc Tran, Anh Thi Nhat Tran, Hien La Phuong Hoang DOI: (PDF) Save
Entrepreneurs’ network characteristics and their perceived success in raising equity: Evidence from the business angel market Justyna Zygmunt DOI: (PDF) Save
Entrepreneurship as a driver of economic development Tatia Zarkua, Wim Heijman, Irena Benešová , Mikhail Krivko DOI: (PDF) Save
The impact of FinTech literacy on digital entrepreneurial intentions: Exploring crowdfunding, blockchain, and AI through a social cognitive career theory lens Sy Long Pham, Anh Duc Do, Dieu Linh Ha, Mai Van Trinh, Anh Duc Le, Thi Phuong Hien Tran DOI: (PDF) Save
Sustainable industrial transformation through entrepreneurial ecosystem governance: The case of Polish energy clusters Marta Gancarczyk, Damian Tomczyk, Jacek Gancarczyk DOI: (PDF) Save
How do agile and internationally experienced companies respond to sanctions? Beata Stępień, Szymon Truskolaski DOI: (PDF) Save
Sustainability as a strategic response to the liability of foreignness: Empowering multilatinas for sustainable development Ana Maria Gomez-Trujillo, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Juan Velez-Ocampo, Olga Patricia Castaño DOI: (PDF) Save
The growth effects of Bulgaria and Romania’s EU accession: A synthetic control method examination Andrzej Cieślik, Mehmet Burak Turgut DOI: (PDF) Save
Salient monetary policy decisions and non-experts’ trust in central banks Maqsood Aslam, Etienne Farvaque, Hira Iqbal, Piotr Stanek DOI: (PDF) Save
The influence of prospector and defender strategies on dynamic capabilities, innovation, and financial effectiveness in Vietnamese service SMEs Thu-Hang Le, Ngoc-Khuong Mai DOI: (PDF) Save