Export Platform FDI as a Concept for Growth - Selected Global Experiences

Objective: The main idea presented in the paper is based on the research devoted to interrelations between foreign direct investments (FDI) and export activities that result in the development of the specific form of foreign direct investment – Export Platform (EPFDI).
Research Design & Methods: The paper is based on literature review. The main body of the paper constitutes the geographical review and the listing of the determinants that influence the decision to launch an EPFDI.
Findings: The research brings the working hypothesis that the role of the EPFDI is increasing and free trade zone is a determinant for EPFDI creation.
Implications & Recommendations: As exports are a GDP component, the issue of export platforms is important from macroeconomic and microeconomic perspective, for politicians and entrepreneurs respectively. The existing literature about EPFDI is limited and calls for growth.
Contribution & Value Added: The paper constitutes the first review of the EPFDI from a Polish perspective.
exporting, export platform, FDI, EPFDI, cluster, free trade zone, free trade area
Author Biography
Mariusz Omelańczuk
PhD student in Management and Economics at Warsaw School of Economics (Warsaw, Poland). Master in International Economic Relations (Warsaw School of Economics). The master thesis was devoted to barriers in foreign trade. The research areas of interest include: exports, export business development strategy, internationalisation, export determinants
related to financial market.
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