The Speed and Extent of New Venture Internationalisation in the Emerging Economy Context

Objective: The objective of this paper is to explore to what extent the patterns of the internationalisation process described in the new venture (NV) internationalisation theory, developed on the experience and practice of advanced economy firms, apply to the emerging economy context.
Research Design & Methods: The paper is a systematic literature review developed on the basis of peer reviewed journal articles on NV internationalisation in emerging economies. It critically evaluates the applicability of arguments proposed by the NV internationalisation theory to the emerging economy context.
Findings: In contrast to firms from advanced economies, internationalisation of NV from emerging economies is mainly driven by push factors related to their domestic markets. Transportation, communication and digital technology play a less relevant role in emerging economies; besides, their significance is more context specific; while their absence does not inhibit rapid internationalisation.
Implications & Recommendations: To better understand the process of NV internationalisation in the emerging economy context, it is necessary to study to what extent other theoretical logics contribute to its explication. Further research should also seek to synthesise findings of research on other major theoretical frameworks.
Contribution & Value Added: The paper contributes to the NV internationalisation theory by offering some propositions on the specifics of international entrepreneurship in the emerging economy context.
international entrepreneurship, entry speed, entry scope, emerging economy, international new venture, INV
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