Advancing entrepreneurial career success: the role of passion, persistence, and risk-taking propensity

Objective: The objective of the article is to investigate the influence of passion on entrepreneurial career success while the mediating effects of persistence and risk-taking propensity between passion and success are explored.
Research Design & Methods: Questionnaires were administered to collect data about passion, persistence, entrepreneurial career success, and risk-taking. PLS-SEM was applied for testing the hypotheses with the use of 256 usable responses.
Findings: Statistically significant and positive relationships were found in the direct relationships: passion-persistence, passion-risk-taking, passion-success, persistence-success, and risk-taking-success, while persistence and risk-taking were found to mediate the passion-success association.
Implications & Recommendations: The importance of passion as an influence is verified and can be utilised for nurturing efforts that drive positive persistence and risk-taking propensity for entrepreneurial career success.
Contribution & Value Added: The shortage of studies that explored the relationships between passion, persistence, and risk-taking for the career success of entrepreneurs motivated the present research. Exploring the intervening effect of risk-taking propensity and persistence between passion and success is unprecedented.
risk-taking propensity, persistence, harmonious passion, obsessive passion, entrepreneurial career success
Author Biography
Hussein-Elhakim Al Issa
Assistant Professor of Management at A’Sharqiyah University (Oman). He received his PhD in Management from Universiti Utara (Malaysia). His research interests centre on the application of strategy and business concepts to social change. His work has been published and presented at national and international conferences and research colloquia, and he currently has several manuscripts under review at leading research journals.
Correspondence to: Dr Hussein-Elhakim Al Issa, Department of Management, College of Business Administration, A’Sharqiyah University, P.O.Box 42, Ibra, Postal Code 400, Sultanate of Oman, e-mail:
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