Children-Engaging Social and Environmental Initiatives as Determinants of Corporate Reputation

Objective: The paper aims to explore children-engaging social and green initiatives as determinants of corporate reputation.
Research Design & Methods: The research data were collected by means of a consumer survey (n=354) in Lithuania. During the research, consumers’ perception and attitudes towards companies which take children-engaging social and environmental initiatives were surveyed.
Findings: The research findings indicate that consumers tend to agree that companies implementing children-engaging CSR initiatives contribute to the development of children as responsible citizens. However, consumers have a different attitude towards companies which implement children-engaging environmental initiatives and companies which take children-engaging social initiatives.
Implications & Recommendations: The research results suggest that consumers form opinions about the company not only by assessing the company’s behaviour towards them, but also by assessing the corporate performance targeted at children. Therefore, companies should consider children-engaging CSR as determinants of corporate reputation.
Contribution & Value Added: The paper provides some empirical evidence on how CSR practices targeted at children may affect corporate reputation.
children, corporate citizenship, corporate reputation, social responsibility, CSR
Author Biography
Ingrida Šmaižienė
A lecturer at the Department of Strategic Management, Kaunas University of Technology since 2009. Main fields of scientific interests are corporate reputation management, reputational capital, country image and branding, and made-in image. The study subjects delivered: Image and Reputation, Entrepreneurship, Business research methods.
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