Selection of Façades Finishing Technology for a Commercial Building Using Multi-Criteria Analysi

Objective: The objective of this paper is to present and evaluate selected variants of façade finishing technologies for one-storey commercial buildings. The economic analysis, a quantity take-off and cost estimate for three façades was conducted.
Research Design & Methods: The multi-criteria analysis was performed. The authors proposed five technical and economic criteria. Four methods of data encoding were used.
Findings: The best solution among the three variants of façades proposed is a masonry façade from clinker brick. This variant was also the cheapest one. The results obtained show that a multi-criteria analysis depends strongly on the weights of the criteria and also on the methods of data encoding.
Implications & Recommendations: The authors indicated the role of façades. The façade should become an integral part of the architectural form of the building and participate in a dialogue with the surrounding buildings. For this reason, the choice of a façade is important. Investors should consider different possible solutions taking into account various criteria.
Contribution & Value Added: The originality of this work lies in studying certain aspects of the investors’ decision making process concerning building technologies. The paper is about façade finishing technologies and presents possible solutions. The choice of the best one should not be based only on the lowest cost
multi-criteria analysis, façades finishing technologies, cost estimation
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