Internal market knowledge sharing in medium-high-tech manufacturing company

Objective: The goal of this study is to verify new research model among medium-high-tech manufacturing companies. First of all, the model assumes the influence of both the market knowledge base itself, and the efficiency of internal market knowledge sharing on the competitiveness of analysed entities. Second of all, it analyses the impact of market knowledge perception within business entities and the openness of technical staff on internal market knowledge sharing efficiency.
Research Design & Methods: The survey consisted of five latent variables (constructs). The research was conducted by telephone among managers of medium-high-tech manufacturing companies in Poland. The sample consisted of 130 firms. The data was analysed using the PLS-SEM technique.
Findings: The research findings proved that both, market knowledge and market knowledge sharing efficiency, had a strong and significant influence on the competitiveness of medium-high-tech manufacturing companies. The results also showed that market knowledge perception and openness of technical staff had statistically significant influence on knowledge sharing efficiency in such companies.
Implications & Recommendations: Above all, the study implies that it is not the possession of market knowledge alone, but also importance of sharing this kind of knowledge internally. The article suggests factors that are important for market knowledge sharing, e.g. through properly trained and competent knowledge brokers that enable the examined businesses to gain a competitive edge. The efficiency of market knowledge sharing may be strengthened by putting more attention to market knowledge perception in the company and openness of technical staff.
Contribution & Value Added: This study adds to the research on sharing a specific type of knowledge, i.e. market knowledge, within business enterprises and influence of this process on companies’ competitiveness. Various factors important for efficient internal sharing of market knowledge have been proposed in the subject literature, however they have not been verified by quantitative research so far. Moreover, the study focuses on the oft-overlooked type of business entities, i.e. medium-high-tech manufacturing companies.
knowledge, market knowledge, knowledge transfer, competitiveness, manufacturing
Author Biography
Marcin Soniewicki
Associate Professor at Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland. In his research he focuses on the role of knowledge in processes of creating innovation by companies as well as increasing their competitiveness. He has published almost 40 original papers and two books.
Correspondence to: Marcin Soniewicki, Ph.D., Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland, Department of International Marketing, al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875, Poznań, Poland
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