The entrepreneurial motivation, Covid-19, and the new normal

Objective: The main objective of the article is to show how the influence of Covid-19 affects entrepreneurial motivation through the variables of creativity, leadership, and communication, understood as information available and transferable within the environment.
Research Design & Methods: The study was performed by means of an email survey questionnaire conducted on 63 employees in Madrid (Spain). The propositions and the research model were tested with fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA).
Findings: The results illustrate that employees who aspire to become entrepreneurs evidence specific configurations in relation to the variables proposed before the Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, these configurations in the new normal are only determinant for the absence of entrepreneurial decision.
Implications & Recommendations: Background affects the link between the variables of creativity, communication, leadership, and entrepreneurial motivation. Thus, the uncertainty derived from Covid-19 influences entrepreneurial development, and consequently, it is recommended to consider these aspects in government policies that encourage support to potential entrepreneurs.
Contribution & Value Added: Through a comprehensive assessment, this research contributes to the literature on entrepreneurship by addressing the gap related to entrepreneurial motivation and the impact of the new normal in the face of Covid-19.
entrepreneurship, Covid-19, entrepreneurial motivation, skills, competencies.
Author Biography
Cristina Blanco González-Tejero
Cristina Blanco is a PhD candidate and researcher at the Department of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Alcalá. She has previous experience in marketing in different companies. Her main lines of research are the development and implementation of Soft Skills, social networks, agile methodologies and the impact in entrepreneurial and economic activity.
Klaus Ulrich
Professor and researcher at ESIC Business & Marketing School. His lines of research focus on entrepreneurship, blockchain and finance. Correspondence to: ESIC Business & Marketing School, Valencia, Spain, e-mail: ORCID
Agustin Carrilero
PhD in Integration of New Technologies in the business organization by the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is part of the teaching staff of undergraduate and postgraduate ESIC Valencia and is director of the campus. In the field of research he has focused on customer relationship management and marketing. Correspondence to: ESIC Business & Marketing School, Valencia, Spain, e-mail:
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