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Extra-industry imitation of digital platform business models


Objective: The objective of the article is to identify challenges and success factors related to the imitation of the digital platform business model in other industries.

Research Design & Methods: We based our research on a single case study of an extra-industry imitation performed by a digital platform operating in Poland that connects confectionery shops and final customers. The case study was based on direct interviews conducted with the co-owners of the platform.

Findings: The results indicated that successful extra-industry imitation faced certain challenges, including the different requirements of the new target industry and the related know-how, and attracting cooperating companies and customers. The success of an extra-industry imitation was determined by specific success factors linked mainly to prior experience regarding the digital platform business model, business relationships with technology/IT suppliers and companies from the new target industry, and personal competencies.

Implications & Recommendations: Formal and informal business relationships and cooperation are crucial for extra-industry digital platform business model imitation. Moreover, specific personal relational competencies, including willingness to learn and take risks, allow managers to respond successfully to market opportunities and imitate digital platform business models in new industries.

Contribution & Value Added: The main contribution of the article lies in assessing the challenges managers face during extra-industry business model imitation. In our model, we proposed a novel set of factors that impacts the successful implementation of the imitation business model process in a new industry.


business model, business model imitation, innovation, digital platforms, business relationships

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Author Biography

Aleksandra Hauke-Lopes

Assistant Professor in the Department of International Marketing at Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland. Her scientific research focuses on value creation in business networks and international marketing and cooperation on business-to-business markets.

Marcin Wieczerzycki

Assistant Professor in the Department of International Marketing at Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland. His research interests include consumer behaviour and value co-creation in the technological context of new media.

Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek

Associate Professor in the Department of International Marketing at Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland. Her main areas of research include companies’ relationships and cooperation in an international setting and performance in the global market.


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