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Operational Work System Design and Staff Performance in the Nigerian Construction Industry


Objective: The study investigated the impact of operational work system design on staff performance in selected construction firms in Nigeria.

Research Design & Methods: The study used primary data gathered with the use of a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire format administered to 138 respondents. A hypothesis was postulated to test the significance of the research problem. Data analysis was carried out using correlation and multiple regression analysis which proved the significance of the alternative hypothesis as a result of testing the hypothesis.

Findings: The findings show that there is a significant relationship between operational work system design and staff performance. The study concludes that operational job design can be advanced as a motivation tool, which is non-monetary in nature, to improve staff performance.

Implications & Recommendations: A key drive to improve performance is the satisfaction of staff coupled with an outstanding operational job design which takes into consideration the total physical and mental well-being of staff and its interaction with other organisational factors. The study recommends, among others, that there should be active participation of staff in the design of work in the organisation.

Contribution & Value Added: The study provides an empirical approach to enhancing performance in the construction industry and thereby developing an indigenous firm to compete favourably on a growing market.



operational work system design, staff performance, organisation, construction industry


Author Biography

Emmanuel Ejikeme Isichei

Department of Business Administration, Faculty Of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management Sciences, Federal University Wukari, Wukari-Taraba State, Nigeria.

Isaac Ayanyinka Ayandele

Associate Professor,

Department of Business Administration

University of Uyo, Uyo
Akwa Ibom State


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