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How environmental understanding affects the green entrepreneurial intention of Centennials in Vietnam


Objective: The article aims to explore the role of environmental understanding in forming green entrepreneurial intention of the Centennials in Vietnam besides the effect of entrepreneurship education.

Research Design & Methods: We constructed the research model based on the theory of planned behaviour and entrepreneurial event theory. We collected data by surveying 275 university students, who belong to the Centennials in Vietnam. Then, we employed partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to explore how environmental understanding and entrepreneurship education contribute to forming a green entrepreneurial intention.

Findings: The outcomes evidenced that environmental understanding positively impacts entrepreneurship education and start-up desirability but has a detrimental effect on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Moreover, entrepreneurship education has a positive impact on desirability and self-efficacy, both of which are confirmed to positively affect the green entrepreneurial intention of Centennials in Vietnam. Interestingly, environmental understanding and entrepreneurship education indirectly affect green business intention.

Implications & Recommendations: To stimulate green entrepreneurial intention, the government and universities should intensify entrepreneurship education activities and launch some campaigns to raise environmental perception in parallel.

Contribution & Value Added: This article pioneers in exploring the association between environmental understanding and green entrepreneurial intention. Such novelty contributes to enriching extant literature and consolidating the research model of green entrepreneurship.


green entrepreneurial intention, green business behaviour, entrepreneurship education, environmental understanding, Centennials, Generation Z

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Author Biography

Kim Hanh Nguyen

Kim Hanh Nguyen received Master’s degree in Economics from International University of Japan/Japan and a Bachelor’s degree in Foreign Trade Economics from Can Tho University/Vietnam. She is a lecturer at the Faculty of International Business, School of Economics, Can Tho University (Vietnam). Her research interests include economics, international economics, international trade and educational management.

Ngoc Truc Han Nguyen

Ngoc Truc Han Nguyen received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Can Tho University/Vietnam. She is currently an educational consultant at Lien Viet Education Joint Stock company, Ho Chi Minh city (Vietnam). Her research interests include green business and educational management.


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