Shaping sustainable futures: Multi-stakeholder perspectives on government-business partnerships for achieving the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean

Objective: The objective of this study is to examine government-business partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean to support the 2030 Agenda, focusing on bypassing negative future scenarios and achieving key milestones.
Research Design & Methods: Using a qualitative futures study approach, we gathered data through 28 face-to-face focus groups in seven countries, involving diverse stakeholders. Discussions centred on future scenarios balancing economic growth with climate change resilience and biodiversity conservation.
Findings: A critical need for multi-stakeholder collaboration was revealed in fostering business development that supports regenerative economic recovery post-COVID-19 while mitigating climate change impacts. The study extends the Montiel et al. (2021) model, demonstrating its effectiveness across various business types and economies.
Implications & Recommendations: By creating a future-positive scenario on how to circumvent detrimental outcomes and support sustainable development goals (SDGs), this study offers fresh insights for societal and economic actors on actionable strategies to close the gap in the SDG compliance.
Contribution & Value Added: The research provides a unique set of actionable opportunities in each country, along with a comparative analysis of sustainable development strategies. It also proposes refinements to Montiel et al.’s (2021) externality framework, contributing significant new perspectives to the literature.
sustainable development goals (SDGs);, multi-stakeholder collaboration;, regenerative economic recovery; , climate change resilience; , biodiversity conservation; , Latin American and Caribbean; , sustainable development
Author Biography
Fabiola Monje-Cueto
Ph.D. in Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Privada Boliviana - UPB, Bolivia; Associate Professor at UPB.
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez
Distinguished Professor of Corporate Sustainability and Head of the Masters in Sustainability at Universidad EAFIT in Colombia, a Member of the Global Council for Sustainable Development Goal Number 1 (SDG 1: End Poverty), and a former Vice-President at the Academy of International Business (AIB) and regional president for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Osvaldo Nicolas Barbery-Merida
Student of Computer Systems Engineering at the Bolivian Private University
Miguel Cordova
Professor and Researcher at the Department of Management and Leadership, Business School, at Tecnologico de Monterrey. He is Chair of the Teaching & Education SIG at the Academy of International Business (AIB), and Associate Editor in the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Karla Maria Nava-Aguirre
Global Business Academic Program Director and Professor of International Business at UDEM Business School. Mexico Country Director at the Academy of International Business (AIB-LAC). Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) CONACYT in Mexico.
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