ChatGPT adoption and digital entrepreneurial intentions: An empirical research based on the theory of planned behaviour

Objective: The objective of the article is to adopt the theory of planned behaviour to explore how ChatGPT adoption in entrepreneurship can inspire individuals’ intentions to become digital entrepreneurs underlying the nuanced mediation mechanism of psychological and cognitive constructs (attitude towards digital entrepreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control).
Research Design & Methods: Drawing on the sample of 604 higher education students at six universities in Vietnam, I used Cronbach’s alpha and confirmatory factor analysis to test the construct’s consistent reliability and validity. Then, I used multiple regression to test hypotheses.
Findings: Results of the current research reported that ChatGPT adoption in entrepreneurship significantly and positively affects individuals’ attitudes towards digital entrepreneurship, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, and digital entrepreneurial intentions. Interestingly, three core antecedents in the theory of planned behaviour significantly mediate the impacts of ChatGPT adoption in entrepreneurship on digital entrepreneurial intentions.
Implications & Recommendations: The practical takeaways include enhancing education with tech-positive modules, personalized guidance for digital entrepreneurs, hands-on skill development through workshops, and AI-friendly policies for business integration.
Contribution & Value Added: The current research is the first study which provides empirical evidence indicating the impacts of ChatGPT adoption in entrepreneurship on individuals’ attitudes towards digital entrepreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control, which, in turn, inspire their digital entrepreneurial intentions. Thus, these findings contribute to the extent of entrepreneurship literature, especially in the landscape of the AI revolution.
ChatGPT adoption in entrepreneurship, Theory of Planned Behaviour, digital entrepreneurial intentions , attitudes towards digital entrepreneurship, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control
Author Biography
Cong Doanh Duong
PhD in Business Management (2019, National Economics University, Vietnam & University of Szczecin, Poland-Erasmus Mundus Programme); Master of Science in Management (2016, KEDGE Business School, France); Bachelor of Business Administration (2011, National Economics University, Vietnam). His research interests include entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, and green consumption.
Correspondence to: Doanh Duong Cong, PhD, Department of General Management, Faculty of Business Management, National Economics University, 207 Giai Phong, Hanoi, Vietnam, e-mail:
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