Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Economic Adaptation: A Critical Analysis

Objective: The main goal of the article is to discuss the theoretical relationship between immigrant entrepreneurship and immigrant’s economic adaptation.
Research Design & Methods: The paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on immigrant entrepreneurship and economic adaptation of immigrants in a host country. Then the paper develops testable propositions and a theoretical model for future empirical research on this topic.
Findings: The paper describes three main potential outcomes of immigrant economic adaptation through entrepreneurship: segmented assimilation, transnationalism and provisional business project strategy.
Implications & Recommendations: Understanding the factors that contribute to adaptation of immigrant entrepreneurs is crucial from policy-making perspective, as immigrant entrepreneurship is increasingly promoted as a viable strategy for economic adaptation for new immigrant groups in major host countries.
Contribution & Value Added: The theoretical relationship between immigrant entrepreneurship and economic adaptation remains underaddressed in the literature. Thus, the paper contributes to the knowledge on economic adaptation of immigrants, by proposing a model of immigrant entrepreneurship evolution and development. The model stresses interrelations between immigrant entrepreneurship and economic adaptation.
immigrant entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial development, economic adaptation
Author Biography
Jan Brzozowski
Assistant Professor at the Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Department of European Studies
PhD in economics within the specialisation on higly skilled workers mobility.
his his reserach interests include international migration and development, economic integration of immigrants, labour market policies and entrepreneurship.
Member of the editorial board of Polish Diaspora and Migration Studies Reviev (Studia migracyjne-Przegląd polonijny, ERIH, ISSN: 0137-303X) and the Commitee for Migration Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences.
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