Navigating the valley of death:Open innovation strategies for start-up survival

Objective: The objective of the article is to showcase the utilisation of open innovation in new technology-based firms (NTBFs) from the perspective of entrepreneurs who have successfully survived the crossing of the valley of death. We examined the interplay of open innovation (OI), and the entrepreneurial background (i.e. human capital, entrepreneurial education) to identify success factors in crossing the valley of death.
Research Design & Methods: The research was qualitative and based on interviews conducted with founders of ten start-ups based in Madrid, Spain. To process the information obtained in a more objective manner, we utilised three R codes for qualitative data analysis. Subsequently, we employed word clouds to condense the interviews and ascertain the most significant variables related to the success of the ventures and OI.
Findings: There were several recurring components among the entrepreneurs that have enabled them to successfully cross the valley of death. During the early stages, the entrepreneurship background becomes apparent, enabling them to implement their ideas based on the experience and knowledge acquired. In the subsequent stage, the emergence of family support for entrepreneurship facilitates access to initial financing beyond one’s own savings invested. Therefore, it appears that human capital and access to informal sources of finance are more critical for entrepreneurial success than open innovation.
Implications & Recommendations: Despite the fact that open innovation facilitates the acquisition of new knowledge from a theoretical standpoint, our results suggest that prioritising entrepreneurs’ human capital and ensuring access to financing are more crucial in overcoming the valley of death, by optimizing the efforts of various stakeholders.
Contribution & Value Added: The article offers a comprehensive understanding of the survival process of non-traditional business enterprises (NTBFs) and categorises three distinct variables that contribute to comprehending the significance of external and internal factors to which entrepreneurs are exposed.
open innovation, start-up, entrepreneur, social support, professional experience
Author Biography
Yulissa Navarro-Castillo
PhD student at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, adjunct professor at National Agrarian University La Molina, Peru, Department of Business Management. Her research interests include entrepreneurship, organizational behaviour, and innovation.
Katia Mastrostefano
Master from Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Cassino, Italy in collaboration with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Her research interests include start-ups and open innovation.
Mercedes Grijalvo
Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She has also been a visiting professor at Centre de Recherche en Gestion de l'École Polytechnique (Paris, France) and Southern Illinois University Carbondale (USA). Besides, she worked at NOVOTEC Consultores as a quality consultant. Currently, her area of research and publications is innovation (i) as a business approach: new business models and new organizational forms, and (ii) as an educational approach, simulators and gamification.
Gustavo Morales-Alonso
Associate professor in economics, entrepreneurship & innovation at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). With a sound interest in the drivers of economic development, the sharing economy and sustainability, has published on the determinants of technological entrepreneurship and on the response of consumers to sustainable initiatives.
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