Intellectual capital and new ventures early internationalization: Firm-level analysis of Austrian SMEs

Objective: The objective of the article is to explore the impact of intellectual capital on firms’ propensity for early internationalization.
Research Design & Methods: The scientific argument relied on scrutinizing the current knowledge base in the field and conducting empirical studies among Austrian startups. From these studies, we constructed a logistic regression model.
Findings: According to the study findings, there exists a favourable dependence between prior international experience, level of education, and the early internationalization of new ventures.
Implications & Recommendations: The study carries several practical implications. Entrepreneurs aiming for early internationalization should draw on their prior international exposure and recruit employees with similar experience. Furthermore, the significance of education level was noteworthy. A higher level of education correlates with a higher probability of early internationalization.
Contribution & Value Added: The article addresses areas of research that have not yet been explored in early internationalization analyses. It can act as a foundation for more comprehensive studies on this phenomenon, including ventures from different countries.
international new ventures, internationalization, early internationalization, Austria, intellectual capital
Author Biography
Krystian Bigos
Assistant Professor at Krakow University of Economics, Department of International Trade at College of Economics, Finance and Law. His research interests include early and rapid internationalization, international start-ups, and international entrepreneurship.
Adam Michalik
Assistant Professor at Krakow University of Economics, Department of International Trade at College of Economics, Finance and Law. His research interests include entrepreneurship, foreign investments, and the security of business transactions.
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