The Role of Relationships in Initiating the Internationalisation Process in B2B Markets

Objective: The objective of this paper is to evaluate how companies use the relationship capital when initiating the internationalisation process and how the development of a business network affects this process.
Research Design & Methods: The paper presents a comparative analysis of case studies of seven companies based in Poland and operating in foreign markets. This set of primary data and a comprehensive literature review served as a stimulus for the development of a typology of relationship capital mediating agents.
Findings: The cornerstone of the article is the assumption that in order to accelerate internationalisation, entities trying to enter foreign markets have to “borrow” relationship capital from one or more of several mediating agents. The article identifies these agents and outlines the role of different types of relationships during the market entry phase.
Implications & Recommendations: The article proposes a typology of relationship capital mediating agents such as: foreign and domestic intermediaries, individual insiders, own international and corporate network, own network expansion, and corporate or personal referrals. It also outlines the limited role of social relationships in concluding a successful market entry, placing them as one of the possible, but not necessary, options.
Contribution & Value Added: The originality of this work lies in the application of the concept of the relationship assets/capital to the network approach in internationalisation as proposed by the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group (IMP) and the development of a typology of relationship capital mediating agents.
internationalisation, relationship capital mediating agents, relation-ship management
Author Biography
Bartosz Deszczyński
Bartosz Deszczyński, Ph. D., Assistant Professor in the Department of International Marketing at Poznan University of Economics and Business (PUE), Lecturer and Marketing module Leader in PUE'a MBA program, Plenipotentiary of the Dean of International Business and Economics Faculty for student trainee programs. Research areas: relationship management, Resource Based View (RBV).
Krzysztof Fonfara
Krzysztof Fonfara, full professor, head of Department of International Marketing at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland. Member of the Editorial Committee and Reviewer of Industrial Marketing Management, Member of the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group (IMP). Research interests span issues of internationalisation process (network approach), B2B marketing and relationship marketing.
Adam Dymitrowski
Adam Dymitrowski, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Poznan University of Economics and Business in the Department of International Marketing at Poznan University of Economics. Research areas: business model innovation, innovation, internationalization, international marketing, B2B marketing.
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