What Explains the Varying Degree of Export? Internal or External Factors

Objective: The objective of this article is to determine and analyse export conditions by combining the entrepreneurial resource perspective and formal institutional approach.
Research Design & Methods: Drawing on a representative sample of global nascent entrepreneurs, cross-level (random-effects) moderation analysis is applied to explicate the influence of a country’s formal institution on the relationship between entrepreneurial resource-based determinants and the degree of export, and this method enables the study of country-level slopes.
Findings: The results suggest that there is a positive relation between self-efficacy and export and that people who have the willingness to pursue decisions or courses of action associated with uncertainty are more likely to export. In addition, the research findings also confirm the positive moderating effect of formal institutions on entrepreneurial resource aspects and the degree of export.
Implications & Recommendations: The findings of the study have implications in particular for policy-makers who are interested in encouraging early export by influencing institutional dimensions. Policymakers have largely concentrated on institutions to increase entrepreneurial opportunities, but institutions may not be sufficient to stimulate international entrepreneurship.
Contribution & Value Added: The originality of this work lies in adopting a more comprehensive approach in studying export by integrating entrepreneurial resource perspective with the institutional dimensions.
export, institutions, entrepreneurial resource aspects, risk attitude
Supplementary File(s)
Tables and Figures (old version)References
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