RCEP versus TPP with the Trump Administration in the USA and Implications for East Asian Economic Cooperation

Objective: The objective of this article is to evaluate the two mega FTAs, namely RCEP and TPP in the Asia Pacific region in general and the new trends and directions of these mega FTAs with Trump Administration in the USA in particular. Moreover, it estimates implications for East Asian Economic cooperation. The article deals with possible impacts on the US withdrawal from TPP and post TPP visions. Furthermore, it also analyses what implications can be provided for East Asian economic cooperation.
Research Design & Methods: In order to meet the research targets, various methods are used, such as the method of critical analysis of literature, the inference method, and the method of statistical analysis, which include quantitative and qualitative analyses.
Findings: While investigating regional economic integration between RCEP and TPP with the member states, it is visible that the majority of the member states in the two mega FTAs are more dependent on RCEP than on TPP. It means that RCEP can generate more economic benefits to the member states in the region than TPP in the long run.
Implications & Recommendations: It implicates that RCEP can play important roles in shaping new trade governance in the Asia Pacific region which could establish Asia Pacific Free Trade Agreement (APFTA).
Contribution & Value Added: The originality of this work lies in exploring the two mega FTAs in the Asia Pacific region, how they have competed with each other and implemented their national trade strategies.
Mega FTA, protectionism, economic growth, FTA strategy, economic cooperation
Author Biography
Sang Chul Park
Sang-Chul Park has received PhD degrees in political science in Aug. 1993 in Germany and economics in Feb. 1997 in Sweden. His dissertations discussed Technopolises in Japan. He also passed a habilitation examination (full professorship) in political science in Nov. 2002 in Germany as well as a docent evaluation (Swedish habilitation) in economics in Sep. 2004 in Sweden. He is currently a Full Professor at Graduate School of Knowledge based Technology and Energy, Korea Polytechnic University and Adjunct Professor at Center for Science-based Entrepreneurship, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea. He was also a Private Dozent at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany and Visiting Professor at Gothenburg University, Sweden. He served as Associate Professor at Gothenburg University, Sweden from 2001 to 2003 and as Associate Professor at Okayama University, Japan from 2003 to 2006. He also stayed as Visiting Professor at Fudan University, China in Sep. 2014 and as Visiting Scholar at Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan in Oct. 2014. Since 2016 he serves as a full visiting professor at Marie Curie Sklodowska University (UMCS) in Poland. His research interests concern industrial policy and regional development and studies on innovation systems and on science parks and innovative clusters in particular. Currently his research areas are expanded toward energy policy, sustainable development strategy, high technology ventures and international business and trade.
In addition, he is a member of editorial advisory board for Korea Observer (SSCI Journal) as well as a member of editorial review board for Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM) (SSCI Journal). In 2013, he became the editor of Asia Pacific Journal of EU Studies. In 2014 he also became a member of editorial board in International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (IJIRD). Since 2016 he has served as associate editor for International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (IMED) (SCOPUS Journal) and a member of Managing Editorial Board in Australian & New Zealand Journal of European Studies.
Email: scpark@kpu.ac.kr
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