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Environmental and Individual Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship in Algeria: Applying the Structural Equation Modeling



On the basis of the seminal work of Fishbein and Ajzen (1975), we try to clarify how individual and environment factors influence the students’ attitudes towards Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention.

After a short review of literature, we present the results of an empirical study conducted among a sample of 290 final year students by using a structural equation modeling validated through the use of a two-stage analysis of Anderson and Gerbing (1988) and a factorial confirmatory analysis and a measurement adjustment (Hair et al.1998).

Attitude driven from individual variables is negative while that derived from
environmental variables is positive. Our results show furthermore, that the role of media and institutions is still Limited and needs redeployment.

Woman is now recognized as one of the sources of economic growth (Arasti 2008). Although female entrepreneurship is attracting more and more researchers, it is still considered as an understudied field of research (De Bruin et al.2006, 2007; Brush, De Bruin, & Welter, 2009).

Research on female entrepreneurship has intensified since the early 80s, but few have explored the influence of environmental and individual factors related to female entrepreneurship.



entrepreneurship, female, Algeria, individual, environmental


Author Biography

Abderrezzak Benhabib

Professor of Economics and Management at Tlemcen University, Faculty of Economics and Management. Director of Laboratory MECAS (Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social), Tlemcen University. PhD State (Doctorat d’Etat) from Clermont 1 University (France); MPhil degree from Bradford University (England).

Amina Merabet

Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Tlemcen University, Faculty of Economics and Management. Member of Laboratory MECAS (Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social), Tlemcen University. PhD from Tlemcen University.

Mohamed Benachenhou

Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Technics at Tlemcen University, Faculty of Economics and Management. Member of Laboratory MECAS (Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social), Tlemcen University. PhD from Tlemcen University

Yamina Grari

Assistant Lecturer in management at Tlemcen University, Faculty of Economics and Management. Member of Laboratory MECAS (Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social), Tlemcen University. Master degree (magister) from Tlemcen University.

Fouzi Boudia

Assistant Lecturer in Marketing at Tlemcen University, Faculty of Economics and Management. Member of Laboratory MECAS (Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social), Tlemcen University. Master degree (magister) from Tlemcen University.

Hadjira Merabet

Technical Assistant at Tlemcen University, Faculty of Economics and Management. Member of Laboratory MECAS (Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social), Tlemcen University. Master degree from Tlemcen University.


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