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The Classroom of the Future: Disrupting the Concept of Contemporary Business Education


Objective: The goal of the article is to discuss and elaborate on the skillset required in education of managers and entrepreneurs to face challenges of their future positions.

Research Design & Methods: The article is of a descriptive character, based on literature review and its constructive criticism. It presents a case study of S P Jain School of Global Management in Dubai/Mumbai/Singapore/Sydney and experts’ insights.

Findings: The classroom of the future, based on idea of design thinking lab, equipped with the most modern solutions of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR, AR), interactive detachable workstations, shareable smartboards and interactive video display walls, seems to be the passport to success in the digital world. Immersive interaction with AI, ubiquitous computing and technology exposure prepare contemporary business students for future working space, encompassing a variety of problems to be solved, allowing to attain new skills and a smooth transit from education to a desired job or entrepreneurship practice.

Implications & Recommendations: The creation of ‘future ready’ graduates requires an innovative mindset and agility to evolve and adapt continuously, with simultaneous focus on disruptive innovation through digital transformation. Incorporating latest digital technologies and innovations into the learning environment seems to be competitive advantage and the key to success on education market.

Contribution & Value Added: The article in subsequent chapters lists the awaited skills of future entrepreneurs and managers, indicates available solutions and technologies to boost classroom experience and gives a practical example of technology use. Moreover, it indicates transformation pathway for business schools to embrace challenges of the future labour market and equip their graduates with hands-on experience and required skills.



classroom of the Future, business education, economic education


Author Biography

Anna Tarabasz

Assistant professor in Digital Marketing at S P Jain School of Global Management and assistant professor at University of Lodz. Marketing. Digital marketing and e-commerce specialist, working previously in banking, automotive and cosmetics sectors. Serving as independent marketing consultant and guest speaker. Publishing (in English, French and Polish) chapters in monographs and articles in scientific journals, follows a previously chosen path, focusing on digital communication, e-commerce & e-business, social media, IoT and wearable technology along with cyber security. Served as a Visiting Professor in France (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble) and Kazakhstan (Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov). Member of Réseau PGV, international research group on economics and management, gathering academics from 45 universities in 11 countries.

Marko Selaković

Institutional Development at SP Jain School of Global Management - Dubai, Sydney, Singapore, Mumbai. He is a strategic management and communications professional with more than 15 years of top-level experience in Europe and the Gulf countries. Marko is specialized in knowledge management, international communications, stakeholder relations and crisis communications. He is also representative of Knowledge Economy Network for the Middle East and Vice-president of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) GCC Chapter. Marko is author or co-author of numerous research papers related to the technology-enhanced learning and knowledge management

Christopher Abraham

CEO & Head - Dubai campus and Sr. Vice President at the S P Jain School of Global Management.  Has thirty-two years’ experience in management consulting, marketing, and management education. Visiting professor at many leading universities in Australia, USA, Canada, Singapore, and UK. Areas of competence in Strategy, Marketing, Leadership, Innovation, Neuroscience of Decision Making, Future of Education, Science of Happiness and Design Thinking. Much sought after TEDx and keynote speaker. Conducted many consulting & executive development assignments for global organizations, including The World Bank, The Executive Council (Govt. of Dubai), Emirates Airlines, DHL, P & G, LG, etc. Awarded “Best CEO in the World” 2018, by Indo – UAE Business & Social Forum and twice winner of Education Leadership Award – World Leadership Congress. Honorary Fellow at Leaders Excellence at Harvard Square, Global Advisory Board Member at World CMO Council, and Advisory Board Member at CEO Clubs Worldwide. Regularly Featured in leading TV & Media Channels like CNBC, Dubai Eye etc


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