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Requirements of Scaling International Social Enterprises


Objective: The paper aims to identify the requirements for social enterprise to scale internationally. The explicit research objective is to explain which requirements enable to scale social ventures internationally with success.

Research Design & Methods: The study employs multiple case study analysis based on systematic literature review used to identify papers examining international social enterprises. At total six cases were analysed using criteria of organisational capabilities included in the SCALERS model.

Findings: The analysis showed that the most significant for scaling social enterprises internationally are: earnings-generation and alliance building; next staffing, communicating, and replicating. The less significant are lobbing and stimulating market forces.

Implications & Recommendations: Existence of strong business model, neutral from market sources, well-resourced, recognised in public sphere associated with scaling up.

Contribution & Value Added: The paper contributes by revealing that capabilities for ISEs scaling are differentiated in terms of their significance. Presented results go along with the observation that prior to scaling social impact basic operational model must show its viability.


social entrepreneurship, internationalization, scaling, SCALERS


Author Biography

Marek Ćwiklicki

Associate Professor at the Cracow University of Economics, Head of Chair for Management of Public Organisations, Faculty of Public Economy and Administration.

Habilitated doctor of Economics within the discipline of management science (2012), PhD in Economics science within the field of Management Science (2003), MSc in Economics within the specialisation of Public Administration and Economy (CUE, 1998), MSc in Economics within the specialisation of Enterprise Management (CUE, 1998), Master of Business Science Administration (Baltic Sea Management Academy, 1997).

Scientific interests: business administration, organisation studies, organisational theory, infonomics, business history.

Memberships: Society of Scientific Organization and Management (Towarzystwo Naukowej Organizacji i Kierownictwa) (1998-), Association for Information and Image Management – Basic Member (2000-), European Academy of Management (EURAM) (2010-), European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) (2012-).

Member of the Editorial Boards: ‘Zarządzanie Publiczne/Public Governance’, published by the The Malopolska School of Public Administration CUE; ‘Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia’, published by the CUE; ‘Studia Negotia’, published by Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; IEBE (International Academy of Business and Economics) Editorial Board 2006-2013; ‘Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review’ (EBER) - Thematic Editor: Management and Business Studies.


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