Opportunities for Doing Business with Countries Neighbouring V4 - The Case of Ukraine

Objective: The main objective is to present the business environment of Ukraine in terms of the possible association with the EU or joining the Customs Union, with expectations for V4 countries, regarding trade relations, potential business opportunities and barriers.
Research Design & Methods: The paper is discussing the opinions of researchers, current trade indicators, information from managed interviews, completed with some statistical data. Using qualitative methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and deduction the knowledge is summarized and limitations concluded.
Findings: As the main finding we can conclude the fact that the value of mutual trade between V4 and Ukraine shall continue to grow, withlimitation due to the EU common trade policy and trade barriers.
Implications & Recommendations: By signing the Association Agreement in
November 2013, the EU was to become the main trade partner for Ukraine. Not signing it resulted in protests and political instability, with difficulties in predictions of mutual (trade) relations. Nevertheless, preserving close trade links with Russia as well as deepening those with the EU is equally essential for Ukraine.
Contribution & Value Added: The paper presents rather a unique topic of the cooperation of businesses within the Eastern Partnership of the European Union. The emerging markets of the Eastern European Countries (EECs) offer a lot of opportunities from European businesses, especially these from Central Europe.
Visegrad countries, V4, Ukraine, international business, business, trade, cooperation
Author Biography
Jana Gálová
PhD Student and assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia). A project manager of the mobility network CEEPUS entitled ‘Applied Economics and Management’ based on a consortium of 19 Central European universities. Bachelor degree in Business Management and Master degree in Trade
and Marketing from Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia).
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