The Role of Social and Psychological Factors on Entrepreneurial Intention among Islamic College Students in Indonesia

This study explores the influence of social and psychological factors on entrepreneurial behaviour among students studying at Islamic college of Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia.
Three hundred undergraduates that represent four faculties were selected using cluster-sampling technique for the investigation. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression technique were used to analyse data.
Results revealed that both social factors such as family background, education system and social status and psychological factors like a need for achievement, propensity to risk and locus of control are quite prominent and significant indicators to become entrepreneurs.
The study discovered that all the social attributes have impacts on entrepreneurship intention. University students who are properly trained can obviously play a leading role in this regard. This study is useful in identifying suitable students for any entrepreneurial activity in future. With the support of government, they can promote entrepreneurial culture in the country.
Research on student entrepreneurship has intensified in some countries, but few have explored Islamic students in Indonesia.
social factors, psychological factors, entrepreneurial intention
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