Building Customers' Re-Patronage Intention through Service Quality of Community Mall in Bangkok

Objective: The main goal of the article is to propose a new framework exhibiting relationship between tangible dimension and all other intangible dimensions of SERVQUAL used to analyse the relation to re-patronage intention.
Research Design & Methods: Hypothesised relationships were tested on data which was collected in Bangkok area using a survey questionnaire. Final sample consisted of 225 respondents, frequent visitors of community malls. The data was analysed using exploratory factor analysis as well as simple and multiple regression analysis. The six constructs, studied in this paper, were examined for differences in means across all demographic variables by employing analysis of variance or ANOVA.
Findings: The results exposed that tangible dimension had significant correlation to reliability, empathy, responsiveness and assurance dimensions consecutively. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that re-patronage intention was explained by empathy, responsiveness and assurance dimensions, not reliability dimension. The ANOVA tests showed no significant differences in means of general data and all other constructs.
Implications & Recommendations: To make shoppers to come back to the malls, managers should recognize the important role of tangible items as an antecedent to intangible items. Retail developers could devote more efforts to maximize the attractiveness of tangible elements and identify the weak areas of service quality by examining the multi-item constructs used to measure service quality.
Contribution & Value Added: This study proposed and tested a modified conceptual model adapted from that proposed by Reimer and Kuehn (2005).
Service Quality, Community Mall, Re-patronage Intention, SERVQUAL
Author Biography
Supeecha Panichpathom
Associate Professor of Management Information Systems and also committee of Real Estate Business program, which is a master's degree program. I am in charge of teaching doing research in real estate businees and also computer appplication in real estate business.
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