The Determinants of Born Global Companies Emergence in Central European Countries

The purpose of this paper is to review potential determinants of born global companies emergence in Central Europe (CE) through the example of the Visegrad Group countries.
The paper gives an overview of the literature on the born global phenomenon. It presents basic factors which influence internationalisation processes and analyses CE marketscharacteristics with a focus on early internationalisation.
The study shows specific features of the CE markets which foster emergence and expansion of born global firms. These are: small and export-oriented economies, export opportunities in the euro zone and high entrepreneurial potential.
Discussion on possible determinants of early internationalisation sets a theoretical framework for the empirical research on born globals of CE countries. Further research may lead to identify potential fields for policy action that could be initiated to support born global firms.
So far, there has been limited research on the born global phenomenon in CE context. Therefore focus on the early internationalising companies in CE is much needed.
internationalisation of the firm, born global companies, determinants of early internationalisation, born globals in Central Europe
Author Biography
Elena Pawęta
Currently a PhD student at the Centre for Finance and Accounting of SMEs at the University of Lodz, Poland. She is a graduate of the Saint-Petersburg State University, School of Management, Russia and the Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Organization and Management. Her main research interests are entrepreneurship and business planning. She is particularly interested in the early internationalization of enterprises.
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