Editorial: Social Entrepreneurship and Socio–Economic Development

As the editor of this issue of Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review I am deeply convinced that the scientific papers included here do contribute to a bigger goal: restoring the Science of Economics to the service of humanity and therefore provide stable ground for a sustainable and socio-economically balanced development of individuals and societies.References
- Abu-Saifan, S. (2012). Social Entrepreneurship: Definition and Boundaries. Technology Innovation Management Review. February 2012: 22-27.
- Jaffee, D. (1998). Levels of Socio-economic Development Theory. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Koch, J.L. (2010). [online] Social Entrepreneurship as a Bottom-Up Model of Socio-Economic Development. World Bank Open Knowledge Repository, Retrieved on February 24, 2015 from https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/6064
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