Brand types applied by emerging markets’ firms: Country of brand origin and brand use motives

Objective: The objective of the article is to explore the types of brands in terms of the country of brand origin (COBO) applied by emerging markets’ firms and motives for applying them.
Research Design & Methods: A qualitative approach was used, i.e. multi-case study of five emerging markets’ firms and data triangulation.
Findings: Studied firms apply in the international market various types of brands in terms of the COBO by 1) referring to the foreign COBO, 2) referring to the origin from the home market, and 3) neutralising the COBO effect. Moreover, the firms differ in terms of their international brand portfolio: from consisting of a single brand to covering several or dozen international – even global – regional, or local brands.
Implications & Recommendations: The dominant international branding strategy of emerging markets` firms in terms of the COBO is acquiring/ licensing well-known international or even global brand/ brands and creating ‘occidental-style’ brand. It is driven both by strategic and market motives. The conclusions can be applied by emerging markets’ companies in their foreign expansion.
Contribution & Value Added: This study develops a deeper understanding of the brand types applied by emerging markets’ companies in terms of the COBO and brand use motives.
international branding; the country of brand origin; COBO; emerging markets’ firms’ strategies
Author Biography
Marzanna K. Witek-Hajduk
Associate Professor at the Institute of International Management and Marketing, SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Deputy Dean of the SGH Doctoral School. Chair of the International Busi-ness Department. Her research interests include firm internationalisation, international brand-ing, retailer brands, digital marketing, and business models.
Correspondence to: Prof. Marzanna K. Witek-Hajduk, PhD, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodległości 162, 02-554 Warsaw, Poland, e-mail:
Anna Grudecka
Assistant Professor at the Institute of International Management and Marketing, SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Her research interests focus on consumer behaviour, retailers’ brands, international branding, and firm internationalisation.
Correspondence to: Dr. Anna Grudecka, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodległości 162, 02-554 War-saw, Poland, e-mail: