Who Doesn't Want to be an Entrepreneur? The Role of Need for Closure in Forming Entrepreneurial Intentions of Polish Students

Objective: The objective of this paper is to broaden our understanding of the factors that shape entrepreneurial intention (EI). Specifically, we analyse how the need for cognitive closure (NfC) influences EI.
Research Design & Methods: We test our hypothesis using hierarchical regression models, based a sample of 129 Polish business students, controlling for a number of individual-level variables (i.e., gender, entrepreneurial role models, educational profile, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and locus of control).
Findings: We find support for the assertion that NfC negatively influences the level of
EI. In comparison with the baseline model (control variables only), the explanatory
power of the model including the NfC is significantly higher. Individuals that score
higher on the need for cognitive closure declare lower entrepreneurial intentions.
Implications & Recommendations: This study suggests that EI is to a large extent
influenced by relatively stable, dispositional, personal-level variables, thus indicating
potential barriers to fostering entrepreneurship through institutional measures. However,
further studies investigating the interactions between individual level and institutional
level variables are needed in order to assess the impact of such measures on
entrepreneurial intentions and behaviours. Such research will bring important practical
insights into entrepreneurial education and public policy.Â
Contribution & Value Added: The originality of this work lies in incorporating NfC into the literature on antecedents of EI.
entrepreneurial intention, personality, need for cognitive closure, students, entrepreneurship education, Poland
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