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Perception of patriotic entrepreneurship in Poland and Ukraine


Objective: The article aims to investigate how patriotic entrepreneurship is understood by Polish and Ukrainian entrepreneurs.

Research Design & Methods: Qualitative research was carried out as part of the research conducted on the opportunities presented by the development of patriotic entrepreneurship. As part of the qualitative research, in-depth individual inter-views were conducted with ten entrepreneurs doing business in Poland and Ukraine.

Findings: The results showed that the concept of patriotic entrepreneurship was positively evaluated by the entrepreneurs and should be expressed in greater entrepreneurial independence. In their answers, the entrepreneurs paid attention to the need to ‘humanise’ entrepreneurship. They also showed understanding and strong support for consumer ethnocentrism, which is one of the dimensions of patriotic entrepreneurship. Patriotic entrepreneurship is also determined by preferences as to where a business is conducted. Respondents also indicated that the best place to do business was their own country of origin, empowering their own business, which increases independence from international consortia.

Implications & Recommendations: Patriotic entrepreneurship can be one of the important motivations for consumer, managerial, and employee actions.

Contribution & Value Added: The study was exploratory in nature. Due to the very scarce literature in the field of patriotic entrepreneur-ship, it will serve as a basis for future research in the mentioned area. By systematising the knowledge in this area, it will be possible to better prepare future research projects in this area.



patriotism, nationalism, patriotic entrepreneurship, economic entrepreneurship, consumer ethnocentrism;

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Author Biography

Łukasz Sułkowski

Full Professor at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University, at Clark University, and the Chair of the Management Department at the University of Social Sciences in Łódź, Poland. A member of the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee since 2012. His research interests include organisation and management, especially critical management studies, the epistemology and methodology of social sciences and the humanities, organisational culture and intercultural management, public management, and the management of family businesses.

Bartłomiej Stopczyński

Assistant professor at the University of Social Sciences in Łódź, Poland. His research interests include organisation and management, innovation and its use in formulating competitive strategies, nepotism and cronism.

Joanna Sułkowska

Assistant professor at the University of Social Sciences in Łódź, Poland. An employee of Norbert Barlicki Clinical Hospital in Łódź. His scientific interests include issues of management and medical organizations and entrepreneurship.


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