Beyond Stability vs. Change Dilemma: Everyday Practices and Routines as Sources of Organizational Life

Objective: The aim of this paper is to present the problem of everyday organizational practices and routines as loci of organizational persistence, novelty and transformation. Base on qualitative research the article argue that that spontaneous actions are important factors that introduce organizational change.
Research Design & Methods: The article presents results of a comparative case study. The methodological choice included interviews and non-participant observation. Sample selection was purposive. The enterprises were selected from creative and textile-apparel industries.
Findings: The research illustrates how entrepreneurs respond to everyday phenomena and unplanned situations that co-create their business reality. It turns out that the way of practice reproduction may be of twofold nature: radical and spontaneous or evolution-like and emergent.
Implications & Recommendations: Perceiving organizations through day-to-day processes offers an opportunity to understand the concept of organizational change. The field of practice theory is open to more management issues.
Contribution & Value Added: Elaborating on the practice-based view within organization studies, the concept of everyday practices and routines offers a promising approach within change management.
actions, organizational routines, practice-based study, processual approach, organizational change
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