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Was it Merely a Coincidence? Towards a Practice-Based Perspective on Early Internationalisation of SMEs


Objective: The aim of this this paper is to analyse the relation between some aspects of reflexive actions and the routinization within the internationalization process. The article provides a new insight into the phenomenon of early internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Research Design & Methods: A qualitative research offers an alternative approach to the problem of how enterprises explore foreign opportunities in the realms of daily performed activities.

Findings: A qualitative research provides a framework of the relation between various types of reflexive actions, and their routinization, as well as the internationalization of everyday practice.

Implications & Recommendations: This work contributes to the deeper understanding of the early internationalization process and that it sheds some new light on its potential explanatory categories. The notion of daily activities may be perceived as important units of analysis in management.

Contribution & Value Added: The analysis of everyday activities of early internationalization of SMEs may comprise here a promising research area and therefore, a ‘theoretical bridge’ between the practice-based perspective and IE may develop.


textile and apparel enterprises, integration of preexisting theoretical approaches, routine, reflexivity, international entrepreneurship



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