How Entrepreneurial Orientation Stimulates Different Types of Knowledge in the Internationalisation Process of Firms from Poland?

Objective: The aim of the article is to verify how entrepreneurial orientation affects different types of knowledge in various stages of internationalisation of Polish firms.
Research Design & Methods: The research method applied in the paper is the critical analysis of prior studies as well as a survey conducted on a sample of 355 businesses from Poland. The research is based on the previously known typology of knowledge: market knowledge and experiential knowledge.
Findings: On the basis of the research, it can be concluded that entrepreneurial orientation plays a key role in the use of knowledge in internationalisation of Polish firms. Higher entrepreneurial orientation determines a more intensive use of knowledge on various stages on internationalisation. Network knowledge is used in the initial as well as mature internationalisation. Entrepreneurial knowledge is intensely used on the stage of mature internationalisation. Market and sociocultural knowledge is by far more explored in the initial internationalisation stage.
Implications & Recommendations: The study identified the gap in the literature regarding entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge in the internationalisation process. Obtained results have useful value for business practice, especially for managers thinking of going international.
Contribution & Value Added: An added value of this paper and at the same time a new view of the studied problem is the inclusion of knowledge and its role in the internationalisation process determined by the influence of entrepreneurial orientation.
entrepreneurial orientation, knowledge, internationalisation, interna-tional business, international entrepreneurship
Author Biography
Agnieszka Głodowska
associate professor at Cracow University of Economics (Poland), Department of International Trade. Habilitation (dr hab.) in economics and finance (2020), PhD in economics (2009), MSc in management (2005). Her research interests include international business, international entrepreneurship, methods of payments in international business, international trade, the convergence of economies. Member of AIB (Academy of International Business). Scientific secretary of EBER (Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review).
Marek Maciejewski
associate professor at Cracow University of Economics (Poland), Department of International Trade. Habilitation (dr hab.) in economics and finance (2020), PhD in economics (2005), MSc in international economics (1996). His research interests include international finance, international business, international economics, international trade. Member of AIB (Academy of International Business). Scientific secretary of IER (International Entrepreneurship Review).
Krzysztof Wach
full professor at Cracow University of Economics (Poland), full professor at the University of Social Sciences in Łódź (Poland). Professor of social sciences (2020), Habilitation (dr hab.) in economics (2013), PhD in management (2006), MSc in international economics (2001). His research interests include international business, international entrepreneurship, EU studies, entrepreneurship and innovation, family firms. Member of AIB (Academy of International Business) and EIBA (European International Business Academy). Editor-in-Chief of ‘Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review’ (Scopus, ESCI WoS). Associate Editor of various journals incl. ‘European Journal of International Management’ (SCI WoS), ‘Central European Management Journal’ (Scopus, ESCI WoS), ‘Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics’ (Scopus) or ‘European Integration Studies’ (ESCI WoS). Member of the Committee for Economic Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2020). Served as expert on entrepreneurship for the European Commission and OECD (2012-2019)