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The Internationalisation Process of an E-Commerce Entrepreneurial Firm: The Inward-Outward Internationalisation and the Development of Knowledge


Objective: The article aims at the description of the internationalisation process
of an entrepreneurial e-commerce trading firm, depicting the course and mechanism of the process.

Research Design & Methods: The explorative research is a single case study of three internationalising e-stores managed by a firm. The qualitative analysis is based on
in-depth interviews with the entrepreneur covering six years of the firm’s operation.

Findings: The increasing international involvement of the e-commerce firm follows the development of knowledge derived from the interrelationships between inward and outward internationalisation. The evolution of internationalisation forms is limited to trade (importing/exporting) and contractual cooperation. The role of entrepreneur in the internationalisation process of e-commerce firm is crucial.

Implications & Recommendations: The simultaneous involvement in the inward and outward forms of internationalisation enhances the development of knowledge necessary for further internationalisation of e-commerce firms.

Contribution & Value Added: The study presents a holistic description of the internationalisation process of an entrepreneurial e-commerce firm, revealing the mechanism of the process.


e-commerce, entrepreneurial firm, inward-outward internationalisation, process, knowledge

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